McCulloch, S., Meynecke J.-O., Franklin T., Franklin W., Chauvenet, A.L.M. (2021). Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) behaviour determines habitat use in two Australian bays. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Richards, R., Meynecke, J.-O., Sahin O. (2020). Addressing dynamic uncertainty in the whale-watching industry under climate change and system shocks. Science of The Total Environment, 756, e143889.
Torre-Williams, L., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Reinke, J., Stockin, K.A. (2019). Presence of newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) calves in Gold Coast Bay, Australia. Marine Behaviour and Physiology 52(5), 199-216,
V alani, R., Meynecke, J.-O., Olsen, M.T. (2020). Presence and movement of humpback whale mother calf pairs in the Gold Coast, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology, 53 (5-6), 251-263 ,
Volep, E. , Carroll, A. , Strauss, D., Meynecke, J.-O., Kobashi, D. (2017). Influence of environmental conditions on cetacean entanglements – A case study from the Gold Coast, Australia. Marine & Freshwater Research.
Meynecke, J.-O., Richards, R., Oz, S. (2017). Whale watch or no watch: the whale watching tourism industry and climate change. Regional Environmental Change, 17 (2), 477-488. DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-1034-z
Meynecke, J.O., Richards, R., Sahin, O. (2016). Dealing with uncertainty: an innovative method to address climate change adaptation in the whale watch industry. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Eds. S. Sauvage, J.-M. Sánchez-Pérez, A. Rizzoli. Toulouse, France.
Reinke, J., Lemckert, C., Meynecke, J.-O. (2016). Coastal fronts utilised by migrating humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, on the Gold Coast, Australia. In: Vila-Concejo, A.;Bruce, E.; Kennedy, D.M.; McCaroll, R.J. (eds). Proceddings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 75, 897-901. ISSN 0749-0208.
Meynecke, J.-O., Meager, J. (2016). Understanding strandings: 25 years of humpback whale strandings (Megaptera novaengliae) in Queensland, Australia. In: Vila-Concejo, A.;Bruce, E.; Kennedy, D.M.; McCaroll, R.J. (eds). Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 75, 897-901. ISSN 0749-0208.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2014). Whale Trails – a smart phone application for whale tracking. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Eds. D.P. Ames, N. Quinn. San Diego, California, USA,
Meynecke, J.-O., Vindenes, S., Teixeira, D., 2013. Monitoring humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) behaviour in a highly urbanised coastline: Gold Coast, Australia. In: Moksness, E., Dahl, E., Støttrup, J. (Eds), Integrated Coastal Zone Management - 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell Ltd., West Sussex, 101-113.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). Using citizen science to assess migration patterns of humpback whales in Australia. Poster presentation at World Marine Mammal Conference, 8th-13th December, Barcelona, Spain.
Torre-Williams, L, Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2019). Newborn humpback whale calves observed on the northern migration in Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at World Marine Mammal Conference, 8th-13th December, Barcelona, Spain.
Torre-Williams, L, Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2019). East Australian humpback whales calving on the northern migration: evidence from the Gold Coast Bay, QLD, Australia. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Raquel, T., Kelaher, B., Scott, A., Meynecke, J.-O., Curnock,. M. (2019). The state of play of commercial swim tours with Humpback whales in Australia. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). The role of citizen science in whale conservation and research. Oral presentation at World Whale Conference 8th-12th October, Hervey Bay.
Meynecke J.-O., McCulloch S. (2019). The role of citizen science in whale conservation and research. Oral presentation at AMSA conference 8th-12th July, Fremantle.
McCulloch, S., Meynecke J.-O. (2019). The use of citizen science to determine resting and calving grounds of Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Australia. Oral presentation at. AMSA conference 8th-12th July, Fremantle.
McCulloch S., Meynecke J.-O. (2018). Using citizen science to monitor the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) populations of Australia. 4th Australia/New Zealand Student Chapter Meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy 28th – 30th November, Brisbane.
Torre-Williams L., Reinke J., Meynecke J.O., Martinez E., Stockin K.A. (2018). Humpback whales calving during migration - an extension to known calving grounds? A case study from the Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster Presentation at American Cetacean Society Conference 2nd-4th November, Newport.
Meynecke J.-O., Keating G., Meager J., Ross G., Strauss D., Carroll A. (2018). The influence of environmental drivers on marine mammal strandings on the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at AMSA conference 1st-5th July, Adelaide.
Torre-Williams L., Reinke, J., Meynecke J.O., Martinez E., Stockin K.A. (2018). Newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) observations in the Gold Coast Bay, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at AMSA conference 1st-5th July, Adelaide.
Torre-Williams, L., Reinke, J., Lemckert, C., Meynecke, J.-O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2017). Newborn humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) observations outside of known calving grounds in the Gold Coast bay, Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at SMM 22nd-27th October, Halifax, Canada.
Reinke, J., Lemckert, C., Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Influences of changes in the East Australian Current on migrating Humpback whales, Megaptera Novaeangliae, in Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation AOGS conference 9th-11th August, Singapore.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Shifting whales and changing climates - emerging challenges for the whale watch industry. Oral presentation at ECCA, 07th-10th June, Glasgow, Scotland.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Developing a sustainable whale watch industry. Oral presentation at ACES: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum, 27th-31st March, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2017). Developing a sustainable whale watch industry in a climate of change. Poster presentation at ACES: Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum, 27th-31st March, Brisbane, Australia.
Meynecke, J.O., Richards, R., Sahin, O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 10th-14th July, Toulouse, France.
Meynecke, J.O., Richards, R., Sahin, O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the Adaptation Futures conference, 10th-13th May, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Reinke, J., Franklin, T., Franklin, W., Meynecke, J.-O., Lemckert, C. (2016). Environmental preferences of humpback whales in Hervey Bay, Australia. Oral presentation at AOGS conference 31st-5th August, Beijing, China.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2016). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at 14th International Coastal Symposium, 7th-11th March, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Meager, J. (2016). Understanding strandings: 25 years of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) strandings in Queensland, Australia. Oral presentation at 14th International Coastal Symposium, 7th-11th March, Sydney, Australia.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2016). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at the Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21st-26th February 2016, New Orleans, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2016). Adapting whale watching to climate change - a case study from the Gold Coast, Australia. Oral presentation at 11th ACCARNSI ECR Forum, 15th-17th February, Canberra, Australia.
Torre-Williams, L., Meynecke, J.-O., Martinez, E., Stockin, K.A. (2015). Do tourists value on-board education, are they learning, nd do they hold bio-centric views? A case study from the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Poster presentation at the 21st Biennial International Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 13th-18th December, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Whale tracking for everyone - using a smart phone application for citizen science. Oral presentation at 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM), 29th-4th December, Gold Coast, Australia.
Reinke, J., Meynecke, J.-O-, Lemckert, C. (2015). Coastal fronts and upwelling areas utilized by migrating humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), on the Gold Coast, Australia. Poster presentation at the Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society (AMOS) annual conference, 15th-17th July 2015, Brisbane, Australia.
Reinke, J., Torre-Williams, Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Early calving of East Australian humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) outside of historic calving grounds. Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 6th-11th July 2015, Geelong, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2015). Lessons from attempted video tagging of humpback whales. Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 6th-11th July 2015, Geelong, Australia.
Reinke, J. Meynecke, J.-O., Lemckert, C (2015). Humpback whale distribution relative to environmental conditions. Oral presentation at the 7th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society conference, 2nd-7th August 2015, Singapore.
Meynecke, J.-O., Weeks, S., Canto, M. (2014). Dolphin presence in coastal fronts on the east coast of Australia.Oral presentation at the 51st Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2014, Canberra, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2014). Whale Trails – a smart phone application for whale tracking. Oral presentation at the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 15th-19th June 2014, San Diego, U.S.A.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2013). Understanding stranding: 20 years of cetacean strandings on the east coast of Australia. Oral presentation at the 50th Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Bracco, F., Warnken, J. (2013). Smart phones for whales. Poster presentation at the 50th Annual Australian Marine Science Association conference, 7th-12th July 2013, Gold Coast, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O. (2012). Whale Ahead. A sea change for whale watching. Oral presentation at ODEX 8th-9th September 2012, Sydney, Australia.
Meynecke, J.-O., Teixeira, D. (2012). Three decades of cetacean “strandings” on the east coast of Australia and its implications for improved management. Poster presentation at ECSA 50th Today’s science for tomorrow’s Management conference 3rd-7th June 2012, Venice, Italy.
Meynecke, J.-O. Vindenes, S., Teixeira, D. (2011). Monitoring Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) behaviour in a highly urbanised coastline, Gold Coast, Australia. Oral presentation at the2nd International Symposium on Coastal Zone Management, 3rd-7th July 2011, Arendal, Norway.